OSEMN Framework Overview

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OSEMN Framework Overview
Xiaomi Smart Band 9 Pro

Xiaomi Smart Band 9 Pro

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One framework that can help data scientist carry out their work is the OSEMN Framework. OSEMN are clear stages or sequences of activities that are important in a data science process.

The OSEMN framework contains various step-by-step alias step carried out by data scientist.

Starting from data collections, data preparation to data interpretation. This framework can be useful framework for solving problem in the field of data science analysis.

It could said that of OSEMN stages very coherent so that if one of the stages is missed or missing the conclusion cannot be drawn.

In the bellow is explanation about OSEMN:

1) Obtain

Gather the data

  • Determine what data would be useful

  • Evaluate what data are available

  • Decide on how the data can be gathered

2) Scrub

Clean the data to prepare it for analysis

  • Correct inconsistent formatting

  • Remove duplicate records

  • Handle missing values

  • Remove inaccurate information

3) Explore

Search for interesting patterns and statistics that stand out

  • Examine variable distributions

  • Examine variable relationships

  • Perform statistical tests

4) Model

Generate predictions and insights

  • Select a model type for your goals (often in cooperation with a partner)

  • Categories of models include:

    • Classification - Is this “A” or “B”?

    • Regression - How much or how many?

    • Clustering - What natural segments can we find in our data?

5) iNterpret

Help others to understand the results of your analysis

  • Build visualizations

  • Construct stories

  • Create presentations of your findings

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