Perintah Dasar Git Branch Wajib Dikuasai Programmer

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Perintah Dasar Git Branch Wajib Dikuasai Programmer
Smart Drone E88 Pro 4k HD Camera Shoot Original

Smart Drone E88 Pro 4k HD Camera Shoot Original

Kapasitas Batre: 3.7V / 1800mAh. Warna : Matte-black. Metode pengisian : USB Charging. Waktu pengisian:50 minutes. Waktu terbang : 15-20 menit. Jarak terbang :80-100m. Video signal: WiFi

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Git adalah perangkat lunak pengendali versi atau proyek manajemen kode perangkat lunak yang diciptakan oleh Linus Torvalds, yang pada awalnya ditujukan untuk pengembangan kernel Linux. Desain Git terinspirasi oleh BitKeeper dan Monotone.

Buat kamu yang suka dengan bahasa pemrograman tentunya sudah tidak asing lagi dengan Git, salah satu situs populer tempat para developer sharing dan berbagi bait-bait code program.

Biar kita makin paham tentang perintah-perintah dasar git, berikut ini halovina rangkum dari berbagai sumber :

See What Branch You're On

  • Run this command:

    • git status

List All Branches

NOTE: The current local branch will be marked with an asterisk (*).

  • To see local branches, run this command:

    • git branch

  • To see remote branches, run this command:

    • git branch -r

  • To see all local and remote branches, run this command:

    • git branch -a

Create a New Branch

  • Run this command (replacing my-branch-name with whatever name you want):

    • git checkout -b my-branch-name

  • You're now ready to commit to this branch.

Switch to a Branch In Your Local Repo

  • Run this command:

    • git checkout my-branch-name

Switch to a Branch That Came From a Remote Repo

  1. To get a list of all branches from the remote, run this command:

    • git pull

  2. Run this command to switch to the branch:

    • git checkout --track origin/my-branch-name

Push to a Branch

  • If your local branch does not exist on the remote, run either of these commands:

    • git push -u origin my-branch-name

    • git push -u origin HEAD

NOTE: HEAD is a reference to the top of the current branch, so it's an easy way to push to a branch of the same name on the remote. This saves you from having to type out the exact name of the branch!

  • If your local branch already exists on the remote, run this command:

    • git push

Merge a Branch

  1. You'll want to make sure your working tree is clean and see what branch you're on. Run this command:

    • git status

  2. First, you must check out the branch that you want to merge another branch into (changes will be merged into this branch). If you're not already on the desired branch, run this command:

    • git checkout master

    • NOTE: Replace master with another branch name as needed.

  3. Now you can merge another branch into the current branch. Run this command:

    • git merge my-branch-name

    • NOTE: When you merge, there may be a conflict. Refer to Handling Merge Conflicts (the next exercise) to learn what to do.

Delete Branches

  • To delete a remote branch, run this command:

    • git push origin --delete my-branch-name

  • To delete a local branch, run either of these commands:

    • git branch -d my-branch-name

    • git branch -D my-branch-name

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